Tips for Growing Your Customer Base Organically

May 22, 2017
7 minutes to read

PG Dating Pro software: Tips for growing your customer base organically

Any social media or a service that heavily relies on its social aspect has to pay attention to its user base. Without a constant influx of new community members, any social platform starts to slowly dry out and becomes a lonely lifeless place. A crucial part of any marketing strategy is maintaining the growth. However, to maintain something, you need to have that something. It is imperative to increase the number of users that are invested in your service both financially and emotionally.

Before we list our tricks, we must emphasise that some aspects of your business must be fully functional in order for our tips to work. You need to offer a high-quality service, you must be unique in some ways, and you must be an enthusiast of your occupation. When it comes to dating sites, constantly working with your community and ensuring that you offer a good service is crucial.

1. Start Small

While many believe that investing millions is necessary to ensure a steady growth, it is not entirely true. In fact, the vast majority of successful companies that rely on attracting users and growing their user bases started locally and trusted in their initially small community of users who genuinely loved their product. Find several good looking people of both genders and give them some free stuff on your dating service. The word of mouth will quickly spread and they will attract more newcomers.

Promote community growth by personally talking to your existing members, asking them about the quality of your service, and involving them in the creative process. Make sure that your users are engaged with your community. Organic traffic that you attract should result in users that take interest in the activities that are already happening on your website.

2. Giveaways Help to Grow

Having giveaways of free stuff and limited time offers or even giving a trial for paid services to all users may be beneficial. Choose a chunk of your community members and give them some free stuff randomly. This will allow them to engage in more conversations and be a bit more active thus ensuring that your community feels alive. When a dating website buzzes like a beehive and has its own community of users that create memes, produce content, and actually talk, your service will look that much more attractive to an outsider.

3. Concentrate on Advantages

A problem that many business owners encounter when dwelling into a new domain is that everything they planned beforehand has a strictly theoretical nature. This means that you have to be flexible and be ready to reassess your goals and means of achieving them reactively and proactively depending on the situation. While this paragraph may sound like some gibberish, it actually an important part of marketing.

Any service has its advantages and benefits that the majority of users immediately recognise. Some dating sites focus on allowing their users to be frivolous in their communication. Other sites prefer to keep things a bit more formal. There are distinct reasons why users prefer your service over others. Recognising your strengths and focusing on them – these are pivotal priorities for any business. Learn what attracts users and reconstruct your marketing campaign to focus on positive traits instead of theoretically good things and pompous slogans.

4. Have Milestones

Moving blindly without any plan is a bad idea. You should have milestones and goals that you can measure mathematically. Any dating service marketing plan should mark some crucial points on the growth graph. 100 members, 1,000 members, 100,000 members – you need to have numbers to look for and to aim at. Setting clear realistic goals works best in the long run.

5. Give Your Loyal Community Members Something to Do

People love to be supportive and involved in the life of a community they are a part of. Give them an opportunity to show their dedication and offer free jobs like moderators or recruiters. People that feel personally responsible for the fate of the community will double their efforts and help you out with cleaning it out and attracting new users in the process. You will make some of your most enthusiastic community members happier and delegate some routines to a loyal outsider. Who knows, maybe you will find a new employee?

PG Dating Pro Software: Moderation panel

6. Make Your Managerial Efforts Efficient

As we mentioned before, focusing on specific things is crucial. However, your attention may spread due to various reasons and one of them is multitasking. There are things that you are not good at. Just admit it and delegate those jobs to professionals. Investing in professionals and capable outsourcers can pay off greatly. Allow specialists do their job and concentrate on general management and working with your community.

7. Stop Looking Around!

We often notice that new business owners are trying to mimic their competitors. This is nearly always plain wrong. While some general marketing methods are effective regardless of the specifics of your business, there are also tricks that will work only for specific businesses and monetization methods. What works for a company that focuses on promoting sex dates will never work for a dating site that wants its users to build long-term marital relationships. Do not jump on every single bandwagon that passes by. Some of them deserve to be ignored.

This does not mean that you should stop analysing the market, its tendencies, and your competitors altogether. A glance at them now and then will help you learn new tricks and find a way to use something akin to your advantage. Don’t be afraid to copycat when it is appropriate.

8. Always Keep On Creating Content

A community that does not hear from its leaders will slowly disintegrate. You must keep up the pulse of life in your community by constantly releasing engaging content. Public posts, interesting photos, articles, interviews, stories by other community members, videos, podcasts, and many other forms of content – all these things make your dating service feel alive. Your users will see that there are passionate people behind the project and they will be more inclined to invest in something driven by people for people.

9. Diversify Your Content

Having various types of content is important. Make sure to allow memes and viral content constantly appear and encourage users to produce such things. Put efforts into creating viral videos, podcasts, and memes. This will create sudden sparks of interest towards your service. Each successful viral campaign means new users and new potential customers.

On the other hand, focusing on evergreen useful content that will be informative and relevant years after initial publication is also important. Videos and articles that provide tips and useful data to users will be generating smaller waves of incoming traffic but over significantly longer periods of time.

10. Be Enthusiastic

Growing your user base from the ground is quite hard and it will be frustrating at some point. Rome was not built overnight though, so do not give in to despair after a couple of failures. You have lots of attempts at attracting thousands of users. At first, there will be only several community members, but if you keep going, their numbers will grow. Just keep working hard and do not step back!


The main photo in the post is by Anthony Delanoix at Unsplash.

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