Dating Affiliate Program News

Dec 5, 2016
2 minutes to read


Dear friends, this is the latest news from our company’s affiliate program.

1. We have taken measures to bypass the blocking of partner links by AdBlock plugin. Now the probability of the links being blocked is down to a minimum.

2. We have also improved the processing of transaction fees. There is no longer any need to wait for manual confirmation, so the system receives transaction statuses automatically with minimum delay.

3. Please note that we have changed the address of the partner cabinet. It will not affect your partner links thought. Use to enter your personal cabinet.

4. Finally, we have improved the conversion by optimising landing pages on the Dating Pro website. Following a series of A/B tests, we have come up with an optimal (for now) layout and content. Of course, it is not a reason to stop here, we will continue the experiments for better conversion.

5. Our advice to you is to manage your partner links creatively. Do not just use default links but use the ones that are more profitable and bring the most conversion. We recommend pointing your traffic to pages and

We will be glad to receive your feedback and suggestions!

Illustration in this post is by Demi Kwant at Unsplash.

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