Dating Coach Eddie Hernandez Shares Tips for Perfecting Your Dating App Profile

Sep 1, 2023
2 minutes to read

Short summary:

  • Navigating the world of online dating can be exhausting and frustrating, but dating coach and photographer Eddie Hernandez offers expert advice to help improve dating app profiles and increase success. Eddie recommends making profiles stand out with specific details about hobbies and interests to showcase uniqueness. Pre-made prompts on apps like Hinge and Bumble can be leveraged effectively by choosing open-ended questions that reveal more about personality and preferences.
  • Hernandez emphasizes the importance of accurate and exciting profile photos that reflect one’s current appearance and lifestyle. He suggests using photos that depict activities and experiences to provide talking points and spark conversations. Additionally, he advises choosing the right dating app based on the type of relationship desired.
  • Eddie’s overarching message is that online dating requires strategy, patience, and a positive mindset. Taking the time to craft a personalized and engaging profile while understanding how each app works can ultimately lead to more successful and meaningful connections.

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