Dating Pro Digest: Global Dating Insights Continues To Follow The Innovation Of The Dating Industry; UK dating fraud up 40%; Tinder provides professional psychological support to users; Soulgate prefers alternative sources.

Jun 29, 2021
4 minutes to read


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Dating industry news digest:

  • Global Dating Insights Continues To Follow The Innovation Of The Dating Industry;
  • UK dating fraud up 40%;
  • Tinder provides professional psychological support to users;
  • Soulgate prefers alternative sources.



Global Dating Insights Continues To Follow The Innovation Of The Dating Industry

According to GDI, the recently released Lylt application deserves attention, to which it is possible to join only at the invitation of one of the system participants.

A video chat startup with the romantic name Lesbian Island is designed for women only.

Prospective users of the Safe Date app will face strict verification of the data they enter in their profile.

Meet7 and Teleport specialize in speed dating and fast dating, minimizing the time spent on the site.

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UK dating fraud up 40%

Action Fraud, the UK’s Cyber ​​Crime Prevention Center, received 40% more complaints in 2021 compared to past years of quarantine. Cases of online fraud on dating sites have increased. It is possible that statistics do not fully reflect the extent of manipulation in romantic relationships.

The situation is complicated by the fact that in the conditions of quarantine, the possibilities of personal meetings are limited, which makes it less likely that fraudsters will be exposed. In self-isolation, people often turn to social networks and dating platforms in search of communication, and the number of potential victims increases accordingly.

The crime caused £73.9 million in damage. Each victim lost an average of £9,500.

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Tinder provides professional psychological support to users

In partnership with VisitHealth, the popular app is delivering a new service that focuses on emotional well-being. Users get access to two free sessions with a psychologist, resources with meditation music, trainings and practices. Communication with specialists is available in eight languages. Discounts are provided for paid services, the privacy policy is strictly observed.

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Soulgate prefers alternative sources

Shanghai-based Tencent Holdings, which launched the Soulgate app, has refused to list its shares in an IPO.

Since launching the app in 2016, Soulgate‘s valuation has reached $1.8 billion, with a daily traffic of 9.1 million. 49.9% of the shares are owned by Tencent. By refusing to cooperate with the IPO, the company loses $198 million.

According to the press center Soulgate, the reason for this decision was alternative sources of funding.

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