How to find and win your first 10 customers. A guide for finding product-market fit. How to identify your ideal customer profile (ICP).

Nov 23, 2023
2 minutes to read

Three articles from Lenny’s Newsletter about B2B (Business-to-Business) approach with educational cases. Online dating is, of course, B2C (Business-to-Consumer) with the differences described below. Everything in the articles, once adapted, can be confidently applied to your B2C dating niches.

In the context of acquiring the first 10 clients, B2B and B2C business models have several key differences:

  1. Target Audience and Sales Approaches:
    • In B2B: The target audience usually consists of other companies and organizations. Sales often require a personalized approach, personal meetings, and lengthy negotiations.
    • In B2C: The target audience is end consumers. Sales are often based on mass marketing, advertising, and online presence.
  2. Decision-Making Process:
    • In B2B: Purchasing decisions are usually made collectively, involving several people from different departments of the company, and can take significant time.
    • In B2C: Purchasing decisions are usually made by an individual (end consumer) and are often quick.
  3. Size and Cost of Deals:
    • In B2B: Deals are typically larger and more expensive, with a higher level of complexity.
    • In B2C: Deals are usually smaller in size and cost, with less complexity.
  4. Customer Relationships:
    • In B2B: Relationships with customers are built on a long-term basis, focusing on personalized service and support.
    • In B2C: Customer relationships are often more short-term and based on meeting immediate needs.
  5. Marketing and Advertising:
    • In B2B: Marketing often focuses on building professional relationships, participating in industry events, and personalized offers.
    • In B2C: Marketing targets a broad audience using social media, online advertising, and mass communications.

In both cases, attracting the first 10 clients requires a clear understanding of the target audience’s needs and preferences, as well as an effective sales and marketing strategy. However, the specifics of these strategies will significantly differ depending on the business model.

  1. How to validate your B2B startup idea
  2. How to identify your ideal customer profile (ICP)
  3. How to find and win your first 10 B2B customers


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