6 Writing Tips to Create Engaging Content for Your Dating App

Dec 8, 2021
5 minutes to read

It’s one thing to get your dating app up and running, and a whole other thing to have people learn about it and start using it. In the sea of so many dating apps, you need to find a way to stand out. And, writing engaging content might just be the best way to boost user awareness and have more people join your app.

But, creating engaging content probably sounds like a major challenge to you, right? While it is demanding, it’s far from impossible. You can write brilliant app content easily with the help of our guide.

Here are the 6 ultimate writing tips for creating engaging dating app content.


1. Know the Problems

First things first, you need to think about your target app users and the reasons they’re looking for a dating app. If you know the problems they’re facing, you’ll know how to create engaging content for them.

So, ask yourself this:

  • What are their main dilemmas?
  • Why do they need a dating app?
  • What problems are they trying to solve?
  • What emotions are they experiencing?
  • What do they expect from you?

Answering these questions will help you find the right topics to cover. You’ll know whether to write about dating after a divorce, first-date tips, or even introducing your kids to your new partner.


2. Offer Useful Information

Nobody wants to read content that carries no value. Useful information is a must for your dating app content.

What does this mean?

It means your content needs to answer questions, solve problems, and give the readers something they didn’t know. So, primarily focus on the value instead of the form or aesthetics. Use credible sources of information and write arguments backed up with fact.


3. Write Catchy Headlines

Your headline is your attention-grabber. If you don’t nail the headline, you won’t get the people to read your content. Here are some easy to apply tips for your headlines:

  • use numbers e.g. 11 Tips for Creating a Dating App Profile
  • promise valuable content e.g. Tips/Steps/Ways/Secrets to…
  • ask questions e.g. How to Start a Conversation: Dating Tips
  • add keywords e.g. Dating in Your Thirties: Where to Start?

The headline needs to be simple and give exact information about what to expect from the content. The readers are more likely to open the article if the headline reveals what to expect.


4. Speak Your Audience’s Language

When creating content for an app, people often make the mistake of trying to sound pompous instead of keeping it simple. Using complex vocabulary and complicated sentences will just make your content hard to read. That’s never a good thing.

So, think about your target audience. Who are they? How do they speak with their friends?

The answers will help you develop a writing style that will use:

  • everyday language
  • simple vocabulary
  • easy to understand phrases

Think of it as a writing assignment such as professional writers needs to deal with. For instance, thesis writers working at a credible writing service will tell you just how important it is to develop consistency in your writing. In case you need editing help, they’re the ones to turn to.


5. Include CTAs

Every piece of content that you put together needs to have a goal. Why are you writing it? How do you want it to influence the people reading?

Set your content goals and make them visible using powerful calls-to-action (CTAs).

CTAs that you use need to be:

  • short
  • simple
  • convincing
  • motivating

These CTAs need to tell your readers exactly what you want them to do. Here are some examples:

  • Set up your dating profile today!
  • Ready to start meeting people?
  • Learn how to start online dating!


6. Diversify Content-Type

Writing an engaging piece of content means creating a little something for everyone in your target audience. You should experiment with different content types to see what works best for your readers.

Here are some content formats that guarantee success:

  • how-to blog posts & tutorials
  • useful emails within your email marketing campaign
  • tips, tricks, or steps to achieve something
  • lists
  • user stories
  • interviews
  • infographics

This is especially useful in the beginning when you’re just getting started with content writing. You should test your audience to see what they react best to and what gets them most actively engaged.

Then, you can focus your further content writing on these selected content types.


Final Thoughts

Your dating app needs to be more than just a platform where people can start searching for dates. It also needs to be the go-to resource of engaging content that will cover trending topics and give answers to burning questions.

Use the six brilliant and simple writing tips we’ve shared above to create powerful content for your dating app. Start working on it today!


Author Bio:

Jessica Fender is a professional content creator, copywriter, and editorial manager on Writesunity.

Her experience in digital marketing and professional development has enabled her to write better articles, essays, and case studies on these topics. Jessica enjoys reading personal development lit and listening to podcasts.


Photo by Brian McGowan on Unsplash

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