Dating Pro Roadmap: Smart Search feature

Apr 29, 2020
5 minutes to read

Table of contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. How it should work
  3. How we make it work
  4. What else can we have


The Dating Pro software, as any proper business on the market, always changes – new features are added, no-longer-needed add-ons are removed, design changes to suit modern taste, cybersecurity get enhanced to combat hackers and scammers, and much more.

And today, I’d like to tell you about one of the features we have in our roadmap: Smart Search.

But first, let’s talk about Artificial Intelligence.



You may not be very familiar with the term of Artificial Intelligence (also known as Machine Learning), but, in truth, you’re using it everyday – when you search something on the Internet.

Search engine is a complex system that appeared a long time ago. At first it just showed you all pages it had, but as it grew, the more people started using it, the higher their requirements became, the more difficult it became to search.

So an important breakthrough had to happen. And it did – search engines began to use their knowledge of user behavior to understand which pages are better and should be rated higher.

Here is how basically the history of Artificial Intelligence began: to use recorded human processes, like thinking and decision making. of numerous people to predict what other people will do in the exact same situation.

But getting back to dating sphere.


How it should work

To make the computer to reproduce human thinking and decision making is a costly thing to do: first of all, computers are not human and to think like one they need a lot of data, A LOT.

It wouldn’t be humble to say that you’ll need 1 million of recorded human interactions to predict what next 10 will do. And for machines to go through all of the records and find the similarities, it takes quite some time too.

So imagine setting up AI to show one user his best matches, while you are just starting and don’t already have 1,000,000 user interactions. At least six months will be needed just to collect the necessary information, and them another couple of months to analyze it. Will it be worth in this case? Highly unlikely.

Unless you have traffic like Tinder or Match with 1 billion of swipes every day, running AI from scratch just doesn’t cut it.


How we make it work

We just came to the conclusion that creating AI-powered search is not profitable at all. But should we abandon this idea? It’s hard but not impossible.

So we thought of a roundabout way to give your site users the same experience as search run by Artificial Intelligence.


Image tagging! We run user’s image through service that analyze what’s on the image and gives it special tags like gender, hair color and etc:


As you can see from examples above, when a user likes an image, we then send it through a service to get some tags. You, and the system, can use these tags to identify what similar people may this user like latter on.

We show to a user 5 pairs of different users, he likes some of them and skips the rest, then we run the tagging service and we receive the tags, then store them in the database and use them to personalize the search for every user, hence the name Smart Search.

If you consider the design behind it, the idea is pretty simple yet elegant.


What else can we have

Using similar tagging technique, we can also introduce Smart Texting, a system that analyze users conversations and either offers them topics to discuss or tells that it’s time to go on a date.

The other option is to analyze the most liked images and offer other users tips on how to improve their profile picture to get more likes or something similar.

Another option is to offer a service that Badoo does – Celebrity lookalikes, they use facial recognition technology to let users find a match that looks like anyone at all, including their ex or celebrity crush.


If you are interested in adding this feature to your dating site or want to learn more, contact us via live chat, your lower right corner, email or toll-free.

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