How to Convert Dating Site Members into Paying Customers

Apr 24, 2017
6 minutes to read

DatingPro Software: Convert your site users into paying customers

A while ago, we started talking about the ways to increase conversion on your dating site. Today, we will talk more about the site memberships and the free trial option.

First and foremost, you need to provide a high-quality product that will meet the needs of your potential audience, will fit into their daily lives. A membership that consists only of nicely sounding attractions will quickly become obsolete for users that need certain features. Do not overly rely on marketing without a well-designed product to back up your advertisements.

Nothing Is Better than a Good Trial

One of the most efficient ways to ensure good conversion is offering a trial membership to your regular visitors. Give them a taste of your service and allow them to enjoy the opportunities of your dating website or app fully. When your clients realise the full potential of your offering, they will start chasing your around with credit cards. There are two main factors that you need to consider in order to make trial membership work.

  • Gathering and analysing data. The process of studying your audience should never stop. Giving away trials is only the first step. You need to learn as much as possible about your potential clients who decided to try out your product. Poke them, talk to them, gather data on their behaviour, and try to use this knowledge as efficiently as possible.
  • Understand how your trial works. The conversion will increase dramatically if you pay attention to the process of introducing your fully functional product to the audience. If we fail to schedule and properly time our trial memberships, our clients may not be able to actually use all features and realise how useful they are. Plan your actions carefully.

If you want to attract lots of people to your dating site and make them happy paying customers, you need to focus on generating leads. Any freely wondering visitor of your website is a lead until he turns into a loyal member. In order to convert visitors into paying clients, you must study your leads and learn about them as much as possible. What kind of relationships are they looking for? What features do they need? Are they aware of the benefits they receive when using your paid features?

If you study your audience well enough and adjust your free trials accordingly, every user will contemplate about your features and evaluate their usefulness. However, this is not the end of the process. After the trial, you need to focus on their experience. Start talking to them and learn what features they enjoyed the most, what they think about the pricing, and what suggestions they have. Engage with your audience and search for connection points in order to continue pressing them and making conversion possible.

This opportunistic approach should be constant. Only with persistence and devotion, you will make conversions happen. Now, making the trial itself attractive and intriguing is also very important. There is a big difference between two implications. If you just offer your trial to a person, they may even forget about using it. If you offer them a free trial and imply that there are cool features to discover, your users will be more inclined to learn more about the product. Curiosity is your ally.

Conversion is a never-ending process that requires you to focus on analytics and communication. Free trials are perfect instruments of attraction that may help you in converting your visitors into paying customers, but trials are not the only means of conversion available to you.

5 Rules of Conversion

There are several crucial rules worth sticking to when it comes to client conversion. Content marketing, purchasing traffic, and other means of getting more potential customers to look at your product will be fruitless if you don’t know how to convert your “potentials” into “actuals”. To make this process smooth and effective, follow 5 golden rules.

  1. Repetition and recognition. There will be lots of visitors unsure if they need your services. Such visitors may be more inclined to make a purchase the second time they are using your site. Some may even register and create an account. It is highly important to make your site recognisable and memorable as well as easily “findable”. Focus on extensive content marketing, make yourself visible on the internet, and pick a good name.
  2. Be useful and interesting. Your clients will never purchase a product that cannot “hook” them with actually useful features and/or contents. Any dating site needs special unlockable features worth paying for as well as good content that will make users invested. Good content including videos, imagery, and articles will also attract customers.
  3. Give everyone a carrot. When you try to convert a user, you need to offer something they cannot obtain anywhere else. When it comes to dating sites, specific types of people, communication means, and other cool features that will make your service stand out in the crowd will definitely affect how users evaluate your product. Purchasing a subscription should feel valuable and special.
  4. Keep things intriguing. We dedicated a whole paragraph to the importance of free trials. Giving your potential clients a sneak-peek at your product is the best way to ensure that they will purchase it. You can be creative. Allow users to register and give them an ability to check out other people, but limit their communication means. This will make them “see” the product and its value.
  5. Establish constant communication with interested visitors. It is nearly impossible to immediately convert a visitor into a paying customer. Preserving a connection to all your “potentials” is the best way to ensure that they will purchase your product sooner or later. Give them your contacts, poke them via e-mail (don’t be overly irritating), and give them a good “periodic” incentive to keep in touch.

We need to elaborate on the latter statement. An incentive can be a weekly event or a daily feature. A dating service that allows each user to make several daily contacts per day or check out more people on certain days of the week will definitely be interesting to non-paying users. If they regularly visit your site, they will eventually make a purchase. You won’t even have to be persistent. Just make sure that they visit regularly and have a sneak-peek at the “goods”.


Conversion is a highly important part of any business model. If you want to monetize your dating site effectively, focusing on generating leads and then converting them into paying customers is the most important priority. However, you need to be meticulously attentive when it comes to the process of conversion itself. Learn various techniques and follow some basic rules in order to be efficient… or hire professionals who know the drill and will smooth out the process for you.


The main post photo is by Clem Onojeghuo at Unsplash.

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