Drip Email Marketing: Basics, Types and Tips

Sep 17, 2019
6 minutes to read

In marketing, timing is the key factor. You sent a letter too soon? A potential customer is simply not ready to pay. Sent too late? He has already gone to your competitors.

Drip marketing is an extremely important technique for every marketer in order to achieve a desirable result in the right time from the right people.



What’s drip campaign

The term “drop marketing” refers to a communication strategy, where the main rule is to send messages to a client regulary. The result of this kind of communication is the recognition of your name and brand.

These messages are sent to the client using email newsletters, RSS subscriptions or push notifications. Simply put, the essence of drip marketing can be accurately conveyed through a popular saying that “a drop wears away a stone”. After all, this technique assumes that systematic beliefs on your part dispel the client’s doubts, and he becomes more prone to cooperation.


The email strategy for “drip marketing” focuses on the following:

  • Providing relevant content;
  • Using email newsletters as a tool for communication with subscribers;
  • Focus on the Customer.

The most important thing in drip marketing is to provide the subscriber with such content that would meet his needs at one stage or help him with purchasing decision.


Types of Drip Campaigns

1) Associative campaign

This campaign is aimed at forming associations with your brand in the minds of subscribers. For example, the word “burger” immediately arises associations with the McDonald’s trademark.

2) Educational campaign

Gradual submission of educational information about the benefits of your product or service in order to prepare the subscriber for the purchase.

3) Involving Campaign

The use of various marketing methods that will be aimed at subscribers who already lost or are in the process of losing interest in your goods/services:

Such methods include:

Segmentation to develop a relevant reactivation email offer for specific target groups:

  • people who don’t open or read your emails
  • who open and read but don’t take any actions (purchase something, follow the link, open the page and etc)
  • who did not make orders for 30, 60 or more days.

Determining the purpose of an email campaign:

  • reminder about your company and that you have a quality product and good service
  • discount to resume shopping activity

4) Competitive campaign

Focused on turning competitors’ customers into your own customers. This type of campaign can be applied to those people who are at the stage of choosing goods from different providers. In this case, it is worth giving them information about how your products/services while showing yourself favorably.

5) Promotional campaign

Provide various discounts, bonuses, promotions, special offers, limited in time.

6) Training campaign

Conducting training or courses in a series of emails. Each letter ends with a specific task for the subscriber with the announcement of the next message. It is also expected to achieve a certain result upon the completion of courses. This campaign is applicable for both beginners and existing subscribers in order to engage them in more active interaction.


Drip email marketing is not limited to the campaign examples mentioned above. It all depends on the imagination and experience of the marketer, as well as the market specifics and particular business.



Email Marketing Tips

  • Compose an entire series of letters at once

A drip email campaign is a series of automatic emails that are configured according to a given script and schedule.

Your entire campaign should have a common idea, consistency, and logic, so design your entire series of letters in one go. In this case, you do not have to remember what you wanted to write about after the letter has already been sent, because the letters will go automatically one after another.

To simplify the task, develop a scheme for compiling and sending emails.

  • Brevity is the soul of wit

Be careful when writing the subject and body of the letter. Today, users of the Internet network receive a lot of emails every day. And, accordingly, there is less and less time for reading letters. People tend to get information as quickly as possible, be sure to consider this when writing content.

  • Use P.S. or P.P.S.

Did you notice that more and more letters are now having P.S. in your inbox? or P.P.S.? In a drip campaign, you need to create a feeling that this letter was just written and sent to the subscriber. The usage of P.S. started a long time ago when letters were written by hand and you could no longer return to the third paragraph and add something.

  • Use subscriber’s name when addressing him and add your name too

Remember that you are sending letters to real, live, human people. Adding subscriber’s your own names makes the letter more personal.

  • Add Intrigue

How it works: you write to subscribers that they will receive something special. That is, by promising a pleasant bonus, you maintain their interest.

If you are trying to popularize your articles, then when sending promise that subscribers will receive interesting information in the next letter. You will be able to maintain a lively interest among subscribers and increase their involvement in your brand.

  • Add call to action

Call to action (CTA) is the most important component of an effective drip email campaign. It is important for the subscriber to be 100% clear what he needs to do after reading the letter, and a call to action will help him in this.


In conclusion, I would like to say that there is no standard scheme for creating an effective email campaign. Each marketing strategy will depend on the characteristics of the business. But do not forget that drip marketing really works! We hope that our tips will be the starting point for quality drip campaigns.

Do you have tips on how to improve your drip email marketing? We look forward to your answers in the comments under the article!

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